Bane War—Fury Book Cover and Back

I’m writing a high fantasy novel with a young female heroine (23 years old). Am seeking a Ukrainian artist specifically as my book takes colors and symbols from Ukraine’s fight for freedom.

For the cover:

  • Main heroine, standing with sword raised for battle. She is strong with toned muscles.
  • She has brown eyes and hair to her waist in a ponytail, curving around the front.
  • She is wearing green boots, yellow leather leggings and azure leather torso armor.
  • Her armor is burned around her midsection all the way around.
  • Her armor is scorched in mesh patterns everywhere.
  • A two-headed dog with rainbow fur by her side. One head is fiery, the other head icy.
  • She’s in a dim, empty, stone great hall.
  • Cover should be dark and gritty, not cartoony. More realistic, the better.

For the back:
I want a fantasy night sky with two moons (one of azure tint and one of darker blue tint). With some clouds and forest.

Book title is “Bane War Fury”

Would prefer a brief sketch or set of sketches before moving on to the final product.

The image should be easily cropable to handle book covers of various sizes and e-books.

The cover should be based off the first section of chapter one, which you can read here:


Example cover images for color palette and inspiration:

Example image for Alara (main heroine) just for face, skin, and hair. Her hair should be waist length. The garb and sword in the left image is wrong. Use the sword on the right and make her armor sturdy leather covering her torso and legs.

Example back cover images. The second would obviously have two moons, not one.

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